Time Stops for No One

My last post on this blog was from 2013. So much time has passed and I hope that since then I have become a better version of me. Lately I've been thinking so much about my ability to create things. It all started last year. My Idol in life, Chelsea Remund offered to teach an art class to a group of our friends. She made a statement that will forever have an impact on me! She said, the things we create are part of who we are. God gave us the ability to create. Ever since then I have thought so much about how in the next life, creation is going to be something we do everyday to grow. I guess that is also a huge part of this life as well. But it just seems so much greater to think how in the next life we will get to create worlds of our own. My creative skills are super limited and my brain has a hard time coming up with concepts and designs on its own. I learned this since I made the decision to try to create more.. so far it is mostly just me copying things but at least I am trying!
Something that has also been on my mind, for quite a few years actually, that I haven't made time for is journaling. Every time I try to hand write in my journal, my hands get so tired because I haven't actually written things in so long. So now I am going to try to journal more on here so that hopefully my posterity can take things from my experience and hopefully build on them!
I will start by listing all of the major life changes that have happened since I last wrote!

Brylee Ann Brown was born in Orem Utah at the timpanogas hospital on January 9th 2015!
Kaia Jae Brown was born in Park City Utah at the Park City hospital on November 29th 2017!

When we had Auri we lived in Lehi, Utah. When I was pregnant with Brylee we moved to Heber City, where Carson grew up. That was definitely one of the biggest blessings from the lord! Brylee and Kaia were born in that house. In May 2018 we sold that Heber house. We would spend that summer in Evansville Indiana, then we would move to Corpus Christi, TX. While we were in Indiana we decided that we didn't want to spend the next couple years in Texas like we had planned. So we decided to build another home in Heber City. The timing was perfect. We would spend the year in Texas, then spend when Auri was done with kindergarten we would go out for another summer, and then our house would be done being built in time for us to get back for school in the fall! I am right now writing this post in Corpus Christi and so far, plans are on track to get into our house in the fall. The plan is to spend the summer in Columbus Ohio. Here is a list of the places we have lived over the last few years of doing this Vivint life:
2018 Evansville Indiana
2017 Phenix City Alabama/ Macon Georgia for a few weeks
2016 Montgomery Alabama/ Valdosta Georgia for a few weeks
2015 Oahu HI and the Big Island for a few weeks
2014 Champaign Illinois
2013 Springfield Illinois/ St. Louis for a few weeks
2012 Sioux Falls South Dakota/ Lincoln Nebraska
2011 Kansas City Missouri/ Garden City Kansas for a few weeks
2010 Tyler Texas

Vivint has been a major blessing in our lives. Its been full of so many ups and downs but I feel like ever since we moved here to Texas, even though it has been a great experience, I think we both feel ready to settle down and be somewhere permanently! But we want that to be in Utah, because both of us love being around our family way too much to live out of state! Even though this Texas winter weather has been glorious! Auri has done really well in Kindergarten here. I feel bad that Brylee wasn't able to go to preschool out here. The prices were hundreds more than in Utah, so I have been doing my best to homeschool her. I don't think I have done a great job, but thankfully she is so stinking smart all on her own! She is already starting to read a little bit! And then there is our amazing little Kaia! She is everyones favorite person in the house right now! Since day one she has been and angel! In the last week I have caught a little glimpse of how she is starting to be really strong willed. She knows what she wants and she isnt so easily distracted anymore!
All I know is life is not always easy, but even in the really hard times, I look around and I can truly see Gods hand in my life and all of the blessings he has given me are all of the important things that I have always prayed for.


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