Auri Lynn Brown

Well the good news is I found out I can blog from my phone! This hopefully means I will be a little bit better at updating my blog!
So tomorrow Auri is going to be 2 months old! Holy crap the time has flown by! She still feels brand new to my life and I don't know if I'll ever get used to the fact that I'm a mommy!
I always hear about a mothers love and that you will think your baby is beautiful no matter what.. Well I won't lie I was worried I was going to have an ugly alien baby. I know it sounds so vain but I didn't care I just didn't want it for her sake! Well the good news is I literally have the most beautiful precious baby I have ever seen! I can't believe how in love with her I am and how much joy she brings to me and Carson's life!
Not only that but she is a great baby! Don't get me wrong we have our good and bad days and I am definitely tired.. (Especially now since its 4am) But over all she is happy and sleeps good and is super strong! She rolled over from her belly to back at 6 weeks old! Needless to say I've never been more happy in my entire life!

Oh and last thing tonight Carson and I had our first date night to a vivint banquet and Auri was left to play with her Grammy! It was tough but a well needed break! And Carson won an award for the top first year office in his region! I'm so proud of him and his hard work! He is the most adorable dad a girl could ask for! Auri is one lucky lady and so am I!


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