Sleepless Nights

Auri had her 2 month shots this week and she handled it like a champ! She cried for a few minutes and was fine from then on. She was a little fussy for a couple days because she had a fever and I'm sure her little legs were sore! But I think she was also going through a growth spurt at the time because she was waking up early from all her naps hungry and waking up multiple times at night! Last night was by far the worst. I think I slept for a total of 3 hours and that was broken up over maybe 4 or 5 segments! She had a tummy ache from some spicy food I had for dinner.. We both learned our lesson... No more spicy food! But there is good news too! Carson started his internship and will hopefully be done by march and then he will finally graduate!! Also Carson won an award at vivint for having the top first year office in his region! Which is great and he is going to join offices this year with another team and hopefully have another great summer! I'm so proud of all of his har...