A little Brown Family Update

Well our home for the summer will be in central Illinois! I'm ecstatic that ill have Auri to hang out with this summer! But I'm gonna miss my old summer sales wifey friends! But hopefully cars will find some more married recruits! Speaking of Auri.. She is just becoming the most beautiful little person! She is just starting to scoot around and roll over! She is 5 months and 10 days and she sleeps awesome at night now but she sleeps so long at night she takes a bunch of short catnaps in the day! It's exhausting but I guess that's what I signed up for! So the past 2 weeks have been so incredibly tough! We have all been little sickies here! It's only January and I've already had 3 colds this winter! Poor Auri just got over her 2nd cold.. She is so brave though. She was still smiley and sweet! Christmas was amazing! We were so blessed and got so many presents! Auri already is a toy lover! Well that's about all that's new with us!!