Playing catchup again

Well I can't believe summer is about to start. Carson leaves next week and I will fly out with Auri a few days after him. I'm so excited and a little sad to be leaving my Utah life behind. I've met so many amazing friends in my ward and my family will all be around Utah having a blast without me! I'm just glad I get to come home and visit when Sheradon and Lauren have their baby boys! So life always has its ups and downs and I swear I always wait to blog until things get really rough and then start looking up. Like now for example. Little miss Auri was a whole different baby the last few weeks. She got the flu and could hardly eat for a week and then she wouldn't let me put her down even for a second or the world was going to end. Then the poor thing got a really bad rash. But yesterday I don't know what changed but she all of the sudden went back to her sweet smiley self again! My favorite thing about her is that she will look at someone until they notice she...